Umbrella Achieves AWS DevOps Competency

Umbrella Achieves AWS DevOps Competency

Umbrella Infocare—a Cloud-first company—has become a DevOps competency partner of AWS which recognizes the company’s capabilities to enable DevOps automation wherein customers can innovate frequently and remain relevant with high responsiveness.

This is a premier status which differentiates Umbrella as a partner with deep technical capabilities and demonstrates its commitments to meet customer requirements. Umbrella is excited to achieve this status which has significant bearing on the strategic roadmap.

The competency certification is validated by third-party which has stringent requirements and  rigorous scrutiny to demonstrate partner capability. This is Umbrella’s second certification in addition to being a AWS Managed Service Partner for the past two years.

Umbrella has helped market-leading customers across verticals put in place systems and processes to become agile and transformed organizations using AWS services. This includes AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy for CI/CD pipeline (continuous integration and continuous development pipeline); Containerization services such as AWS Fargate, Elastic Container Service (ECS), Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS); infrastructure automation services such as Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch and AWS Lambda which is a serverless service that runs code automatically in response to events to manage  computing resources required by the code.

Some benefits DevOps enabled processes bring in include: cost savings and higher efficiency due to enhanced collaboration amongst teams; enhanced customer experience with innovation through frequent releases; transparency in operations and easy roll back of releases in case of failure.

Say Gurprit Singh, Founder Director Umbrella Infocare, “Recognizing the business imperative for speed and agility to innovate and remain competitive we have invested in building DevOps capabilities so we can partner as trusted advisors meaningfully.”

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