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Use G-suite as an External ID Provider for AWS SSO

Use G-suite as an External ID Provider for AWS SSO

One of the most pressing challenges of implementing Identity and Access management is to ensure ease of use while providing robust security. It entails balancing competing priorities such as reducing cost, enhancing user experience, efficiency, effectiveness and minimize risks with secure practices. For organizations who have multiple AWS accounts IAM enables administrators to provide granular […]

Fortifying Your Data Lake

Fortifying Your Data Lake

Given that data is the currency of the digital economy and business grows only as fast as insights from data, organizations are racing to deploy Big Data Analytics (BDA). According to IDC BDA would be at the heart of digital transformation initiatives and by 2022 the worldwide marketsize would be $274.3 billion. The phenomenal growth […]

Container Security – Securing Docker Images

Container Security – Securing Docker Images

Digital transformation of enterprises has got a huge fillip with increasing adoption of containers. In fact containers are being used in mission-critical applications which indicate the maturity of its adoption. According to IDC survey conducted in January 2018, 85% of container adopters are using it for production apps, with 76% using containers for mission-critical applications. […]

Governance, Risk and Compliance in Cloud

Governance, Risk and Compliance in Cloud

Achieving high level of governance risk and compliance (GRC) standards in the Cloud is necessary given the speed and scale it accords; hyper-connected business environment; and stringent regulatory imperatives. While GRC is used in the same breath each function is separate and forms the basis of a security architecture and operational processes. Governance provides the […]

How to Strengthen Cloud Security

How to Strengthen Cloud Security

The rush to exploit Cloud advantages of speed and high velocity must be carefully balanced with thoughtful security. Given that attacks are increasingly more sophisticated and vicious, this has become even more pertinent. Often despite the best precautions someone, somewhere makes a mistake and hackers make the most of it. Automation—one of the hallmarks of […]