AWS Well-Architected Review

Enhance your Cloud Architecture with Discovery and Evaluation
AWS Well Architected Review Competency

Where Do You Stand with AWS Cloud?

Cloud deployments are distinct from traditional systems as they lend themselves to evolutionary changes and deliver continuous benefits. To take advantage of Cloud benefits, the underlying architecture must be solidly built on a foundation of security, reliability and self-healing capabilities.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides a reference point to assess the qualities of a modern Cloud-based system and remediation required to achieve those qualities. Some questions the Framework answers include following

Umbrella Infocare
Take advantage of the free WAR engagement from AWS and win US $5000 worth of credits when you adopt recommendations

AWS Well-Architected Review Pillars

A set of design principles and best practices based on years of experience working with thousands of customers that help you review the state of your architecture
Operational Excellence

Monitor systems, define standards, automate and enable continuous improvement

Ensure Robust Security

Protect your information and data integrity, establish controls, detect, and prevent security events


Prevent failure, automatic failover mechanisms, automate change request and plan remediation

Performance Efficiency

Ensure resource rightsizing, optimization, performance monitoring and constant cloud review


Track and analyze spend, eliminate expenditure and waste and enable elasticity with autoscaling

WAR Steps

Umbrella WAR Process

A set of design principles and best practices based on years of experience working with thousands of customers that help you review the state of your architecture

Identify the workloads to be reviewed and answer questions on your architecture


Review your workload against each of the five pillars and align with the responses


Get expert opinion on remediation for critical areas within 5 days


Implement approved recommendations within 1-3 weeks

Periodic Review

Get help with periodic reviews to ensure a consistently optimized architecture

AWS Well Architected Review Service
WAR Benefits

Leverage a High Performing and Efficient Cloud Architecture

More than 90% of our clients have accepted WAR recommendations and benefited from a highly efficient, secure and reliable architecture

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“ Umbrella has understood the business imperatives and aligned the infrastructure to meet with those objectives. The technical team does not have to spend time and resources in managing the performance of the website. ”

“ Using best practices that includes autoscaling, RI and sophisticated monitoring, Umbrella helped achieve significant cost savings even as we were able to scale up, reach new customer segments and deliver high performance consistently. ”

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