Amazon Lightsail : Simple, Uncomplicated,Ideal for beginners

Amazon Lightsail : Simple, Uncomplicated,Ideal for beginners

Amazon Web Services has launched AWS Lightsail that enables customers to launch cloud projects with virtual private servers (VPS) starting at $5 per month. The most striking thing about Lightsail is the simplicity in deployment and uncomplicated pricing.

Aimed at small businesses and developers who don’t need a datacenter but want to host a website or other applications, Lightsail is designed to meet the needs of a category of users that were not addressed by AWS. Lightsail is uncomplicated in its presentation and pricing and is targeted at beginners who require VPS for cloud projects. As the project/business grows and the customer needs to scale the infrastructure, Lightsail enables seamless connection to other AWS resources including AWS database, messaging, and content distribution services via a secure connection.

Launching a Lightsail server is as easy as 1-2-3. This is in contrast to launching an EC2 server where the user has to navigate several steps to select the server and the image.

In Lightsail you can choose a virtual private server image from a menu of over 10 images. After selecting pre-configured images you can add popular web applications with a single click including WordPress, Magento and more to run your application on the server.

You then select a server size starting from $5 a month model to $80 a month. The starting model includes 512MBs of RAM, a one-core processor, a 20 GB solid-state-drive (SSD), and one terabyte (TB) per month of data transfer– sufficient to run most low-usage LAMP server applications. Lighsail VPS  are preconfigured with SSD-based storage, DNS management, and a static IP address to give your cloud project a jumpstart.

Management of your Lightsail resources are via the management console from which you can start, stop or delete a specific instance. AWS Lightsail makes for a compelling service offering combining the simplicity of starting a cloud project with the reliability, scalability and security associated with AWS infrastructure.

As opposed to other AWS resources where you need to configure the networks, subnets, attached storage, security groups, which ports to open, Lightsail is pre-configured with features to allow an application with basic requirements to run with a just a few clicks.

Launched at AWS re-Invent 2016, Lightsail is now available in nine regions globally, including four regions in the Asia-Pacific. Click here for more details.

Want to leverage the cloud and its advantages? Start with AWS Lighsail, the quickest route to onboard the cloud journey.

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